C(6)➡1s2 2s2 2px1 2py1
The first codition of a compound to acts as a lwise acid is capable of receiving a pair of electron. I.e. Election pair receiver are lwise acid.
As Carbon atom has no D orbital in CCl4 carbon could not capable of receiving and unable to accommodate the received pair of electron .
On the other hand Si is an element of 3rd period in the periodic table and having D orbital,
Si(14)➡1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 3d0
the electrons of ultimate shell enters into the P orbital but having empty D orbital because of having D orbital it is able to receive a paire of electron and can accommodate these in SiCl4 molecule.
Which fullfill the condition of becoming a lwise acid.
Thats why CCl4 does not acts as a lwise acid but SiCl4 can do so.
Nice answer.