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History of chemistry.

The word chemistry  is originated from the arabic word Alchemy. Which was changed form of Al -chimia was originated  from  kimi/chemi means clay.

I.e Chmi is the origin of word  chemistry .it is considered as that the substance made up of soil, water, fire and air concept is the catalyst of such naming. 

The first person to be mentioned is Jabir-ibn-Hayyan , who was first to study the properties  of substance in the Laborator. 

According to his belief fire, water, soil and air are  the   elementary substance and all the worldly  substance is made up of  them. 

This idea was originally  Aristotle's  as opposed to idea of Democritus. 

what is catalyst?   

Democritus declared  about 360 B.C that  if substances were to be broken down, a tiny particle is found and in the end it could not be broken down.  He named it atomes is a greek word where "a" means not and "tomes"  is can not no longer be dividable. Many indian philosophers were also recognise that.  

In Aristotle's time every confession   was so widely accepted that even erroneous theories he gave were easily accepted . As a result in his time  the idea of substances made up of soil,water, air and fire is prevailed than Democritus idea.  

These were all discussion about substances and their properties ,these concept give birth  the discussion about qualitative and quantatitive properties  nowadays   this are the principle of chemistry. 

Although Arabians studied a lot of substance, the basic mysteries  of    chemistry remained untouched to them because of  Democritus fixed ideas. 

Jhon Dalton then denies the existence of 4 basic elements of matter with new ideas that lead chemistry to new trend, this Dalton's  postulate  is known as "Daton's postulate". The postulate is as follows : 

1. Every substance is composed of  very small particles named atom, he called the atom of compounds is  compound atom and the atom of  elements is elementary atom.   

2. The   characteristics property of  the atoms of the same substance element is same.   

3. The properties of different substance is not same.

4. Atoms can not be created or distroyed. 

5. Atoms participate in the chemical reaction.   

6.   In a chemical reaction there is no substance is created or  destroyed only  the bond  between them is changed . 

In Daltons  confession there are several errors many contemporary scientists have corrected the errors, However, the acceptance of 4,5,6 gives rise to some new ideas. 

Using the idea  scientist Lavoisier gave  the formula for the  constancy  of mass, which was latter proved by Landolts  experiment. 

 In the middle ages, Arab philosophers did a lot of research on the properties of different substances,  knowing the properties of different substance and  producing new metals from them and discovering natural medicine   plants which latter played an important  role in chemistry and its development.  

Jabir ibn Hayyan was originally an arab  who did a lot of research on the properties of various substances. In fact his interest was to discover something that could prolong human lifetime. Although  his effort was not successful  ,the   work had led to the new  discovery of new metals and substances also the  substantial improvement of chemistry.

Read also 

➡ Branches of chemistry.

➡ contribution of muslims in chemistry. 

What is organic chemistry? 

Most asked question and their answer in chemistry. 

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