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contribution of muslims in chemistry.

 The word chemistry comes from alchemy. The modern word alchemy is derived from the arabic word "al-kimiya" and may be ultimately derived from the ancient egyptian word "kimi" meaning black.

 The man named jabir ibn hayyan a Muslim who established the foundation of experimental work in chemistry. If we want to know the contribution of muslims in chemistry, at first we have to know about alchemy.  

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Alchemy is the very old study and philosophy of how to change basic substance (such as metals) into other substances. It also studied how they are changed into other substances. People who studied alchemy were called Alchemist. 

Jabir Ibn Hayyan popularly known as "the father of chemistry" and Antonie Lavoisier is called "the father of modern chemistry". 

Besides there are also muslim scientists in the field of chemistry. 

Al-Razi,Al-kindi,Ibn-khaldun,Al-sadiq,Zunnun Mishri,Abu Rayhan Al-Bayruni and so on. 

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History of chemistry


After the fall of the western Roman empire, the focus of alchemical development moved to the caliphate and the Islamic civilization. Most of the earlier writings that have come down through the years were presented as arabic translation. 


The contribution of muslims to the conception growth and development of chemistry is unforgettable. Muslims have made significant contributions and they developed it to a high degree of perfection. 

 Jabir Ibn Hayyan  


Jabir ibn hayyan is one of the greatest scientist in chemistry.At first jabir is established the foundation of experimental work in chemistry. He invented many types of basic laboratory equipment. Such as alembic which made distillation easy, safe and efficient. He was engaged in making gold by mixing certain other chemical substances. He worked on the assumption that metals such as iron,tin,lead have special chemical properties and can be transformed into gold by mixing certain other chemicals. European scientist credited him for his discovery of some chemical substances such as HCL,HNO3,CH3COOH,Cytric acid,Tartaric acid and some chemical process such as distillation,crystallization,sublimation and evaporation - that have become the foundation of today's chemistry. His chemical knowledge of manufacturing processes such as making steel, water proofing cloth, tanning lather and the use of MnO2 to colour glass. He also wrote a book "Kitab al kimiya" which is the most notable book in chemistry. 



Another Muslim scientist, Al-Razi, known in the west Rhazes, during his youth he became an alchemist. He discovered alcholo and H2SO4. He classified substances as plants,  organic and inorganic. Razi invented what todays known as rubbing alcoho. He was the first to distill petroleum. His  inventions are kerosen,soap bars, modern recipies of soap.


As an advanced chemist, Al-kindi was the first to oppose the practice of Alchem. He showed in his theory the transmutation of metals into more precious metals such as gold or silver. The isolation of ethanol as a relatively pure compound was also first achieved by him. Al-kindi also invented a wide variety of scent and perfume products and he is considered as "the father of perfume industry". He wrote a book "kitab kimiya al itr" (book of the chemistry of perfume) containing recipies for fragrant oils, aromatic waters and so on.

 Ahmed Zewail  


Ahmed zewail was an Egyptian chemist known as "the father of femtochemistry" he was awarded the 1999 "nobel prize" in chemistry for outstanding work on femtochemistry.

Zewails key work was a pioneer of femtochemistry i.e. the study of chemical reactions across femtoseconds. The technique allows the description of reactions on very short time scale.

He was an idle for muslim community and for the whole world. 

We discuss here chemists  most of them are  fron ancient times, they all were legend guyes in their time in recent times a lot of muslim legend chemists doing their best in the field of chemistry.        

At the eleventh hour we understood, The modern chemistry owes a great deal to the genius of these muslim luminaries. Muslims of today should strive to make contributions in different disciplines of knowledge and science like the muslim scholar im the past and bring glory to their own country as well.

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