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Different method for expressing the concentration of a solution.

The concentration of a solution means that the amount of solute present in a definit volume.

the methods for expressing concentration and convertion of one unit to another is so important because not a single experiment is possible without measuring substance  is an important factor in modern chemistry. Measuring substances by  units is actually quantative analysis.

there are some methods to express the concentration.

Molar solution /Molarity

the amount of substance in mole present in one litter of any solvent at a certain temperature is known as Molar solution.

if there is 98 gm of sulphuric acid is dissolved in one litter of solvent then the solution is termed as one molar solution of sulphuric acid. 

 Here a term to highlight is the temperature dependence,  why molar solution is depend on temperature? 

molarity is actually substance present in one litter of solvent  as voume of any solvent can change with temperature. 

Molal solution/Molality 

if there is one gm  molecule of any substance is dissolved in 1000  gm solvent then the solution is termed as molal solution.  
it is defined as small 'm '

 indeed the total amount of substance dissolved in  gm of solvent is known as molal solution for example if there is  gm NaOH is dissolved ina solution the n the solution is ,molal or m 

In actual practice  molality is not used because there is two important factor on the solvent. 
1.  the density of the solvent 

2. there may be a change in the volume  after dissolving  the solute.

it may be occured that the volume of  gm solvent to increase or decrease from the actual volume ; but molality is free from temperature effect. 

Normal solution/Normality 

if one gm equivalent of a solute is dissolved in 1000 ml of a solvent then the solution is known as 1normal solution. 

So for preparing 1 N Solution  we need 1 equivalent of any substance  dissolved in 1000 ml  of    any solvent. 

 Moreover  equivalent weight  is the part  of any substance added with  1 part weight of Hydrogen or 8part weight of oxygen.  

Capital "N" is the formal expression  of normality. 5N means the solution containing  5 normal solute in 1000 ml  solvent . 

Formal solution/Formality    

 Some compounds like NaCl (electrolytic) dissolved in solved such a way that mola is not appropriate there 
,for accounting this descripancy formality is used.  

 In any solution if there is solute present in gm-molecule per litter then the solution is known as formality. 

Is expressed as "F"    

The molecular weigh of KNO3 is 101.1 gm,  if there is 101.1 gm KNO3 is present   in 1 litter solution then the solution is 1 formal.

 The amount of substance present in 1 litter is known as gm/L. 
5gm/L of HCl means 5 gm of HCl is present in 1 litter. 

Mole fraction  

The ratio of mole of a substance to  mole of total substance present   in any solution is the mole fraction of the substance.

Mole fraction = mole of a specific substance/ total mole of substance.  
It is just a ratio as a result it does not depend on the temperature.  Nowadays it is not used in laboratory experiments.  It has only some calculational value. 


Parts per million or ppm is defined as that the  amount of substance in  Weight  that present in one  million either weight or volume.  
 It is used in micro anlytical system, a very small quantity of substance is present  in concentration.  Its a environment friendly system.    If there is solvent M and solute m then in 
PPM =  m/M ×1000000 


PPB or perts per billion  is defined as that the amount of solute in microgram  present in one litter of any solvent. It may be either weight or volume. 

 If m gm solute is present in M litter of any solvent then PPB can be expressed as

PPB =m/M×1000000000.


 Its a system where solute is expressed in weight  and solvent in which the solute is dissolved is in volume. 
The meaning of 4%W/V   aqueous  solution  of NaCl is 4 gm NaCl is dissolved in 100 ml of water.


The solute and solvent both is  expressed in weight.  

2% H2SO4 W/W meaning  2 gm sulphuric acid  is dissolved in 100 gm solvent. 

I.e the amount of substance present in 100 gm of solvent is w/w expressiomore

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