Are you a new researcher ?
If it is "yes" then The writing is obviously for yours.
Yes all the researchers better know the pain of a research work surely they love it to do.
You did a very hard work,sharply think about the research work and made it done. But all is not end here, you must share this knowledge that you get from the Research that's why you must publish it in any international journal.
There are many awesome international journals with ISI index and good impact factor.
So what are impact factor and ISI ?
To know that click here
Though get published your paper is not a very easy task but if your paper is good enough to creat a new idea then you will be most welcomed by the publishers.
To publish a research paper the following steps you must keep in your mind.
1. First of all you have to ask experts to review your paper on the relevant sector.
there may be some problems in word choosing, errors in terms grammatical problems , small errors in calculations .
Make sure at least 2/3 review from the experts.
2. revise you paper in where your reviewer suggested to make correction, because making your paper more clear than before and easy to understand gives another opportunity to get published so give extra effort in this step.
3. Now its time to find out relevant journal for publishing paper try to select a journal with high IF factor and ISI indexed.
4. Prepare your paper according to the journal requirement that you chosen to publish your paper.
Most of well off journal provides "authors instruction" sometimes called "Authors guideline" you must follow these instruction and the format like organisational format
Conclusion and
Acknowledgement etc.
Read Most asked question and their answer in chemistry.
5. Everything goes right?
Ok now its time to submit your research paper to the journal in the exact channel. Some journal receive in online some want it as a hard copy so submit them in the right way.
While submission via online always try to submit the article/ paper by your university/ exact email. It has many usefulness.
6. Now this is the time of success / failure.
Your submission may be succeed or failed
If it succeed then thank creator and celebrate it
If failed or submitted with some issue then solve the issues for which it is failed then resubmit your paper.
7. Keep trying if you are failed first time, if resubmission failed again then move on to the 2nd choice journal or 3rd choice and so on
But rejection does not means that your paper is bad there are lot of factor for rejection some of them are out of your control.
Keep it up you will succeed one day.
Some questions that arise in mind
Q. How many pages or words must contain in a paper?
A. It is necessary at least 8000+/- words based on the research topic.
Q. What is the measure standard of a good journal?
A. High impact factor and ISI index is the measure standard for any scientific journal.
Q. who can publish a research paper?
A. Even a first year student of University can publish a research paper for that the condition is to be that the paper is scientific and the research must be done in faculty.
That's may be all if any question feel free to ask in comment .
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