Do you thinking about industrially production of sodium carbonate? Ok, just go through the article and is obviously for yours.
Sodium carbonate or soda ash is a chemical substance of formula Na2CO3, It is also known as disodium salt, dry alkali etc.
There are some methods for production of sodium carbonate.
1. From mine :
Trona [formula Na3H(CO3)2.2H2O], is the primary source of sodium carbonate containing about 72% of sodium carbonate, Natron containing about 38%,, Nacolite containing 64.1% of sodium bicarbonate etc.
Trona is found in us and some countries in the world and has increased importance .
For production of sodium carbonate from trona the following steps are followed
🌏 First trona has to be mined by different mechanical method such as long wall , room & pillar process etc.
🌎 Calcination is done for converting trona to soda ash but all the impurities remain there.
🌏 It is then dissolved in solution and is filtered teall the impurities is separated both organic, inorganic also clay sands. Liquor is sent to evaporate now.
🌍 the liquor containing sodium carbonate monohydrate which is evaporated to get sodium carbonate
2. By burning plants that grow in sodium carbonate enriched ground.
Plants grow in the soil enriched with sodium carbonate can absorb this compound from soil put burning this plants ash is collected and sodium carbonate is extracted from the ash.
This is the actual history of naming such, Soda ash.
3 . Chemical production:
In this process sodium carbonate is prepared by chemical reactions, there are some methods for preparing soda ash chemically.
A. Lablanc process.
B. Solvey process.
C.Hou process.
D.Dual process.
Recommendation :
✅Chemical production
Nowadays it is only a possible way because mine is not available everywhere so this is only one possible way to produce soda ash for using.
Lablanc process.
Is the very fast process Which was accepted and worked as a commercial production for soda ash, though this process is not workable today because of environmental pollution issue but has many importance.
In this process brine is react with sulphuric acid
NaCl + H₂SO₄ ➡ Na2SO4 + HCl
This sodium sulphate ( Na2SO4) is heated with coal and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) this makes the final product soad ash and Calcium sulphate
Na2SO4 + C + CaCO3 ➡ Na2CO3 + CaS
CaS is further separated by different process.
Solvey process.
Todays most used and working process for production of sodium carbonate is solvey process .
In this process NaCl and CaCO3 is the main raw material also NH3 is used but is can be regenerate, the reaction also gives CaCl2 as by product.
In this process Calcium carbonate is decomposed to produce carbon dioxide and CaO
CaCO3 ➡ CaO + CO2
This Carbon dioxide, ammonia and the brine is mixed and ammoniacal brine is formed.
NaCl + NH3 + H2O + CO2 ➡ NaHCO3 + NH4Cl
Sodium bicarbonate is then converted tl soda ash by heating 300 °c Temperature.
ammonia is regenerated by react with Ca(OH)2 which is prepared by mixing water into CaO
CaO + NH4 Cl ➡ NH3 + CaCl2 + H2O
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